Reporting Component of the Interagency Electronic Reporting System
 Alaska Department of Fish and Game  International Pacific Halibut Commission  NOAA Fisheries
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Test Release 2024.07.26-22.54.13
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Management Program Codes and Descriptions

Additional Codes: Gear Codes   |  Gear Modifier Codes   |  Port Codes   |  Species Codes   |  Stat Area Codes   |  Refrigeration Chill Types   |  COAR Area Codes   |  Process Codes

Management Program Code Management Program Description
A80 Amendment 80
ADAK Adak Crab
AFA American Fisheries Act pollock
AIF Annette Island Fishery
AIP Aleutian Island Pollock
CDQ Community Development Quota
CIS Cook Inlet Federal Salmon
CPF Commissioner's Permit Fishery
EXP Experimental
IFQ Individual Fishing Quota
LE Limited Entry
OA Open Access
RES Research
PCTC Pacific Cod Trawl Cooperative
RPP Rockfish Permit Program
SMO State Managed other groundfish
SMPC State Managed Pacific Cod
SMS State Managed Sablefish
STB Salmon Troll Bycatch
TEST Test fishery
Management Program Management Program Participant ID Management Program Participant Name
AFA 100 AFA Open Access
AFA 101 Akutan Catcher Vessel Association (Trident - Akutan)
AFA 103 Northern Victor Fleet Cooperative
AFA 104 Peter Pan Fleet Cooperative
AFA 105 Unalaska Co-op (Alyeska)
AFA 106 UniSea Fleet Cooperative
AFA 107 Westward Fleet Cooperative
AFA 200 Catcher Processors
AFA 300 Motherships
CDQ 51 Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
CDQ 52 Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation
CDQ 53 Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association
CDQ 54 Coastal Villages Region Fund
CDQ 55 Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
CDQ 56 Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association
PCTC 601 USS Cod Cooperative
PCTC 602 GA catcher Vessels Association
PCTC 603 Katie Ann Cod Cooperative
PCTC 604 Unified Cod Cooperative
PCTC 605 USixty PCTC Association
PCTC 606 Akutan Cod Association
RPP 406 FCA Cooperative
RPP 407 Silver Bay Seafoods Rockfish Cooperative
RPP 408 North Pacific Rockfish Cooperative
RPP 409 OBSI Rockfish Cooperative
RPP 410 Western Alaska Fisheries Rockfish Coop
RPP 411 Star of Kodiak Rockfish Cooperative
RPP 412 Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Best Use Cooperative
RPP 416 Global Rockfish Coop
RPP 417 Pacific Rockfish Coop
