Reporting Component of the Interagency Electronic Reporting System
 Alaska Department of Fish and Game  International Pacific Halibut Commission  NOAA Fisheries
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Test Release 2024.07.27-00.29.59
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Species Codes and Names

Additional Codes: Gear Codes   |  Gear Modifier Codes   |  Port Codes   |  Condition and Disposition Codes   |  Stat Area Codes   |  Management Program Codes   |  Refrigeration Chill Types   |  COAR Area Codes   |  Process Codes

Species Code Name
110 P. cod
111 S. cod
112 P. hake
116 Bering fldr
117 Kamchatka fldr
120 Misc fldr
121 Arrow fldr
122 Flathead sole
123 Rock sole
124 Dover sole
125 Rex sole
126 Butter sole
127 Yellowfin sole
128 English sole
129 Starry fldr
130 Lingcod
131 Petrale sole
132 Sand sole
133 AK plaice
134 Turbot
135 Grnstripe rf
136 Northern rf
137 Bocaccio rf
138 Copper rf
141 POP
142 Black rf
143 Thornyhead rf
145 Yelloweye rf
146 Canary rf
147 Quillback rf
148 Tiger rf
149 China rf
150 Rosethorn rf
151 Rougheye rf
152 Shortraker rf
153 Redbanded rf
155 Yellowtail rf
156 Widow rf
157 Silvergray rf
158 Redstripe rf
159 Darkblotched rf
160 Sculpin
166 Sharpchin rf
167 Blue rf
170 Pilchard
172 Dusky rf
173 Dark rf
175 Yellowmouth rf
176 Harlequin rf
177 Blackgill rf
178 Chilipepper rf
179 Pygmy rf
180 Shad
181 Shortbelly rf
182 Splitnose rf
183 Stripetail rf
184 Vermilion rf
185 Aurora rf
191 Rock grnling
192 Whitespot grnling
193 Atka mackerel
194 Kelp grnling
200 Halibut
202 Blk hagfish
206 P sandfish
207 Gunnels
208 Prickback
209 Brismouth
210 Eels
211 Wrymouth
212 Hagfish
213 Grenadier
214 Gt grenadier
215 Prowfish
216 Lumpsucker
217 Wolf-eel
218 Snailfish
219 Poacher
220 Saury
221 Bering Wolffish
230 Herring, directed fishery and non-federal bycatch
235 Herring, federal bycatch only
250 Tomcod
260 Flatnose
270 Pollock
400 Salmon roe
410 Kings
411 Kings, Small
420 Reds
430 Silvers
440 Pinks
450 Chums
460 Salmon, Mixed
510 Smelt, general
511 Eulachon
515 Surf smelt
516 Capelin
521 Arctic char
531 Dolly V
540 Steelhead
570 Sheefish
580 Whitefish, gen
583 Cisco Whitfsh
585 Ber. Cisco Whitfsh
588 Humbk Whitfsh
590 Burbot
600 Lamprey
601 Art Lamprey
625 Jellyfish
666 Atln Salmon
680 Sturgeon
689 Shark
690 Salmon shark
691 Spiny dogfish
692 Sleeper shark
700 Skate
701 Longnose skate
702 Big skate
703 Alaska skate
704 Aleutian skate
705 Wht bltchd skate
710 Sablefish
714 Ratfish
715 Skilfish
716 Lancetfish
720 Albacore
758 Opah
759 pomfret, general
772 Lanternfish
773 Dp smelts
774 S lance
800 Krill
810 Butter clam
812 Surf clam
815 Geoduck
820 Cockle
830 Razr clam
840 L-N clam
842 Sshel clam
850 W scallop
851 P scallop
855 Mussel
860 Abalone
870 Octopus
875 Squid
880 P. Oysters
890 Snails
892 Red urchin
893 Grn urchin
894 red cuke
895 Sea cuke
899 Coral
900 Box crab
910 Dungeness
921 Red king
922 Blue king
923 Gold king
924 Scar king
925 Spiny king
931 Bairdi
932 Snow crab
933 Tanner, grooved
934 Tanner, triangle
940 Hair crab
951 Multispina
953 Verrilli
961 Pink shrimp
962 Sidestripe shrimp
963 Humpy shrimp
964 Coonstriped shrimp
965 Spot shrimp
998 Interim
